donderdag 17 mei 2012

Red, Red and RED


I keep argueing with my mom about HAIR!
yes, HAIR. Why? Because I want mine RED.
But not just any plain orangy-red, No... I want it Firetruck RED!! Manic panic vampire or pillarbox red! wich should I take!

I don't understand why my mom wont let me dye my hair.. I mean it's My hair, not hers....
I understand she is afraid that it will look like crap but hey, Still my head!!

Here is a hint of HOW RED I want it:
Pretty Red huh?
yeah, Sooo I really hope my mom will let me dye it! would be super awesome!! <3

Tell me what you think!


1 opmerking:

  1. I think it would make you look a little bit pale, but it would look good. Go for it (: Pillarbox red would be my choice btw.
